Diversity Equity human Rights (dehr) library
There are a number of book and DVD resources available for GSACT Local #23 Teachers to borrow from our DEHR Library to build teacher foundational knowledge, and to use in the classroom. Please click on the Resource List button below to be forwarded to our library
Fill out the form found below to suggest new books for the DEHR Library. List the book(s) that you are interested in borrowing, in the Comment section. Brianne Tworek & Kerrie Fedunyk, DEHR Chairs, will set up your book delivery or pick up!
Fill out the form found below to suggest new books for the DEHR Library. List the book(s) that you are interested in borrowing, in the Comment section. Brianne Tworek & Kerrie Fedunyk, DEHR Chairs, will set up your book delivery or pick up!
Diversity and Human Rights